Ready or Not....

March 17, 2020

Ready or Not…

Change is hard.

No school? Social distancing? What do we do?

Have no fear, digital gurus have been here for years! It can be easy to look at this new norm as a burden to deal with but it just may be that this disruption in our routine is blessing in disguise for educators who’ve been wanting to move the needle on transformation of our aging and outdated systems. The best advice I’ve heard is… Start small and with purpose!

Instead of driving yourself crazy and confusing your learners by trying to use every new online tool you’re discovering, focus on your outcomes, your “why”. What do you want the students to learn? How do you want to assess that learning? Once you know your goal, focus on only the tools designed for those purposes. 

Alison Yang has created the OREO Online Learning Guidelines, a great place to start! You’ll find the process comes first, then the suggested tools to achieve your identified outcomes.

CLICK HERE for Alison Yang’s PDF summary of OREO.