About OtterCares

A Manifesto for Lasting Change

We’re doing tomorrow today. Because the thing about tomorrow, ready or not, it’s already here. So we’re frontloading the future by teaching kids to be entrepreneurs, philanthropists, makers, doers and givers — today.

See, tomorrow is theirs anyway. And we’re privileged to inspire, prepare, teach, engage, equip and entrust them with everything we’ve got. Instead of crossing our fingers and hoping for the best or sticking our head in the sand and wishing for yesterday, we’re stacking the deck and betting on the bright side.

Sound like a nonprofit? It is. But make no mistake. We don’t give handouts. We don’t give hand ups. We give boosts. Boosts of confidence. Boosts of inspiration. Boosts of rocket-fueled passion aimed for the stratospheres of possibility. Three. Two. One. Blast off!

Light the fuse, press ignition and pass the wheel. It’s their turn to fly this crazy craft called Tomorrow toward a bigger, better, brighter future for all of us.

But alas, it’s here now. So to create the kind of change that lasts, we’ve got to…


Who We Are

OtterCares Team

Linda Crum | Executive Director

As the Executive Director of the OtterCares Foundation, Linda leads the day-to-day operations of the Foundation. She is passionate about creating and fostering relationships on a local and national level and is focused on the strategic growth and impact our mission has on students in our communities and around the world!

Lucy Nuremberg | Grants and Programs Administrator

As the Programs and Grants Administrator, Lucy manages our grant programs and works directly with applicants to grow our mission to inspire youth today to become the entrepreneurs and philanthropists of tomorrow. Lucy is passionate about the Northern Colorado community, as well as creating opportunities for education and development for youth outside of the classroom.

Kelsey Noroski | Director of Programs and Partnerships

Kelsey joins the OtterCares Foundation with over a decade of experience in relationship development with K-12 educators and educational program management and implementation. As the Programs and Partnerships Director, Kelsey oversees our Project Heart philanthropy education program and provides educators with the support and resources they need to implement Project Heart in their learning environments. Kelsey has a heart for serving youth and transforming education in our communities and the world. 

The Happenings

Join us as we Ignite Tomorrow Today by educating and inspiring youth to become entrepreneurs and philanthropists! To get news and happenings about the OtterCares Foundation, sign up here!