OtterCares Announces New Grant Programs

May 02, 2011

In an effort to refine its application process, the OtterCaresSM Foundation introduces three new grant programs designed to support a number of different requests. Each unique program, named after three popular OtterBox case series, focuses on an area that the foundation feels strongly about supporting.

“We want to make sure our grant programs are easy to understand for potential applicants,” said OtterCares President Nancy Richardson. “Introducing and outlining the Impact, Commuter and Armor Funds make the process more efficient and effective for everyone involved.”

The Impact Fund provides program-specific grants to projects directly advancing the foundation’s mission of educating and empowering youth towards positive growth. Quarterly grants will be made to organizations in Larimer or Weld County to support programs that have a far reaching impact on participants and the community at large. The next available submission deadline for the Impact Fund will be June 15, 2011.

The Commuter Fund emphasizes the importance of giving back and being involved in the community by offering sponsorship and funding for charitable events in Northern Colorado. All events hosted by non-profit organizations in Larimer or Weld County will be considered and applications will be accepted continually and evaluated monthly.

Recognizing the positive role that athletics play in a child’s life, the Armor Fund supports youth athletics teams and clubs in Northern Colorado. Applications will be accepted and evaluated continually. Grants will be awarded to support program costs such as registration fees, uniforms and equipment.

To learn more about the guidelines for each grant or to fill out an application, visit