Closing Our Doors to Open Our Hearts! On February 15, we're #closed2open!

January 30, 2018

Last year, Otter Products, in partnership with OtterCares, did something incredible – we closed our offices down for one day to ignite the spark of change in our communities. Through closed2open, more than 850 Otters volunteered with over 100 nonprofits in Northern Colorado and San Diego, creating impact that is still being felt today.

And on February 15, we’re doing it all over again. This time, Otter Products is shutting down our offices around the globe to spend one day giving back to our communities. Here in the United States, Otters will be volunteering with organizations that evaluate the mission of OtterCares. Working side by side with incredible young people, Otter employees will be instrumental in empowering and inspiring them to change the world through entrepreneurship and philanthropy!

Interested in joining us in our movement to inspire and educate kids to change the world? Volunteer during the month of February with schools and organizations that are helping to ignite the spark of entrepreneurship and philanthropy in students! Share your stories with us via social media using #closed2open. We want to hear how YOU are creating ripples in your community!