January 02, 2018

The OtterCares Foundation is extremely lucky to have a strong group of dedicated and passionate individuals who go the extra mile to help make our mission come to life among our employees and the community. Within our company, there are a few individuals who go above and beyond to help inspire coworkers to give back and share our Foundation's stories of impact. These are our OtterCares Ambassadors. Every year, we select one OtterCares Ambassadors that has truly gone above and beyond to receive our annual Silver Heart Award. This year, we recognized Carolyn H. for her contributions to our community, our company and our Foundation. Carolyn, who works in the Human Resources department at Otter Products, uses her enthusiasm and natural leaderships skills to inspire her team to be a part of our company's mission and cause. Dedicated and always willing to go above and beyond, she has been instrumental in helping to share our stories while educating others about the importance of our work. Her contagious enthusiasm for our mission is what makes her an excellent recipient for this prestigious award. Thank you, Carolyn, for being such a inspirational leader and champion for our mission! Congratulations on being this year’s Silver Heart Award recipient!